Seham K Abdel-Aal
Cairo University, Egypt
Title: Crystal structure, thermal, phase transition of organic – inorganic hybrids of the formula NH3(CH2)nNH3CoX4, n = 3 - 9, X = Cl, Br
Biography: Seham K Abdel-Aal
Crystal structure of series of organic-inorganic hybrid of the formula [NH3(CH2)nNH3]CoX4, n = 3 - 9, X = Cl, Br, consists of organic dications [NH3(CH2)nNH3]2+ act as spacer between inorganic dianions CoII coordinated by four halogen atoms in an isolated tetrahedral structure [CoX4]2-. The organic and inorganic layers form infinite 2D sheets parallel to ac plane and are connected by N-H….X hydrogen bonds. Blue single crystals were grown from ethanolic solution in 1:1 stiometric ratio (organic / inorganic) by slow evaporation and gradual cooling to room temperature. The hybrid crystallizes in a triclinic system, space group P¯1, centrosymetric, the unit cell parameters are provided. The lamellar structure of Co- perovskite hybrid is typically as naturally self assembled multiple quantum wells MQW. The organic chains acts as barriers and the cobalt halide ion act as wells. The calculated lattice potential energy Upot (kJ/mol) and lattice enthalpy ΔHL (kJ/mol) are inversely proportional to the molecular volume Vm (nm3) of perovskite hybrid of the formula [NH3(CH2)nNH3]CoCl4, n = 3 - 9. thermal properties and phase transition of [NH3(CH2)7NH3]CoBr4-xClx (x = 0, 2, 4) are provided. The cif file of the complete crystallographic data including unit cell parameters, bond distances, bond angles and hydrogen bond geometry of NH3(CH2)4NH3 CoCl4, NH3(CH2)7NH3 CoCl4, NH3 (CH2)7 NH3CoBr4, and NH3(CH2)9NH3CoCl4 will discuss.