Janhavi Talegaonkar
Smt. P. K. Kotecha Mahila Mahavidyala, India
Title: Effect of change in structural properties on gas sensing performance of polyaniline-SrO2 nanocomposite
Biography: Janhavi Talegaonkar
Polyaniline is semi-crystalline polymer but it`s structure is studied rarely. Extensive study of synthesis, characterization and application of polyaniline and polyaniline-SrO2 composites has been carried out. Polyaniline having phenolic group as aromatic substituent and it`s nanocomposite samples with SrO2 were successfully fabricated by photo-induced polymerization method with various concentrations of SrO2. Prepared samples were then characterized by XRD, FTIR, SEM, EDAX, UV-Visible absorption spectra and gas sensing performance was checked for various gases. Parameters such as melting point, solubility, stability, morphology, electrical properties and hence gas sensing properties shows great dependence on crystal arrangement of organic component. Hence, crystal structure determination of newly developed component is very important. Analysis of XRD peaks of pure polyaniline and polyaniline-SrO2 composite exhibits structural change and percentage of crystallinity. Polyaniline-SrO2 composite exhibit tetragonal structure. The parallel and ordered package of pure polyaniline was studied from XRD peaks. FTIR peaks of polyaniline-SrO2 nanocomposite samples were taken to evaluate the interaction between polyaniline and SrO2 particles. As compare to pure polyaniline, UV-visible spectra of polyaniline-SrO2 nanocomposite shows shift towards lower wavelength. It indicates incorporation of SrO2 particles polyaniline matrix. Hence, exhibits surface:volume ratio. It reveals in improved electrical conductivity. Thermal conductivity exhibits positive temperature coefficient of resistor of prepared thick film of pure polyaniline and polyaniline-SrO2 nanocomposite. Gas sensing property of prepared samples was studied with respect to operating temperature, selectivity of CO2 against other gases response and recovery profile and long term stability of samples. As compare to pure polyaniline, change in structural properties of polyaniline-SrO2 nanocomposite shows enhanced performance for CO2 sensing.