Franck Artzner
Rennes University, France
Franck Artzner’s bio-inspired self-assemblies group addresses materials issues from fibrillation of pharmaceutical peptides to the colloids crystallization by fibrillar proteins. The group has an expertise in technical development as well as crystallographic characterization of structures by unconventional X-ray scattering techniques, SAXS, Fiber Diffraction. A Joint Laboratory with IPSEN and Maïté Paternostre is headed by Franck Artzner and investigates commercial formulation of self-assembled peptides. FA was the chairman of the National brain storming group on Bio-inspired Nanotechnologies at OMNT. He is involved in the review committees of synchrotons : SOLEIL, ESRF, NSLS I. He received the Young Investigator Award of the Physical Chemistry Division of the French Chemical Society (SFC) and the French Physical Society (SFP) in 2015, and the Delalande prize from the French Pharmaceutical academy in 2016