Koji Ohara
JASRI/SPring-8, Japan
Koji Ohara has received his PhD in Condensed Matter Chemistry and Physics from Kyushu University of Japan, working with Prof. S. Takeda. He then did his Post-doctoral research with S. Kohara at Japan Synchrotron Radiation Research Institute (JASRI), where he studied elemental specific pair distribution function (PDF) analysis using anomalous X-ray scattering for disordered materials. After two years at JASRI, he moved to the position of Research Assistant Professor at Office of Society-Academia Collaboration for Innovation of Kyoto University in 2012. He has worked on structural studies of electrolytes in lithium ion batteries. He has been working as a Researcher at JASRI since 2015.
Abstract : Structural study of sulfide glassy electrolytes for all-solid-state batteries