Rocio Jauregui
National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
Rocío Jáuregui performed her graduate and postgraduate studies at the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. (UNAM). She has worked on the interaction of light and matter from diverse points of view: high precision atomic spectroscopy, effects of boundary conditions on the electromagnetic field, pair creation and modification on atomic transition rates due to moving boundaries, classical and quantum description of structured electromagnetic fields and their effect on thermal and ultracold atomic samples, simulations of ultracold bosonic and fermionic atoms, and the analysis of quantum nonlinear optical response of different media. Her work has been supplemented by teaching activities. Nowadays, Prof. Jáuregui coordinates the Laboratorio Nacional de Materia Cuántica which incorporates 11 Mexican research institutions and chairs the Department of Quantum Physics and Fotonics of Instituto de Física (UNAM)
Abstract : Nonlinear crystallography with structured light: Classical and quantum optics effects