Yasuo Norikane
Yasuo Norikane has received his PhD in 2001 from University of Tsukuba, Japan, for investigating the photochemistry of intramolecularly hydrogen-bonded molecules, under the supervision of Professor Tatsuo Arai. From 2001-2003, he carried out his Postdoctoral research on novel crystal structure and photo-isomerization in macrocyclic azobenzenes with Dr. Nobuyuki Tamaoki at AIST. After serving as a second Post-doctorate with Professor M. Reza Ghadiri at the Scripps Research Institute, he began his carrier as a Researcher in AIST. He was awarded a Commendation for Science and Technology by The Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology, Japan. He is currently a Group Leader at Electronics and Photonics Research Institute and an Associate Professor at Department of Chemistry, University of Tsukuba. His research focuses on organic photochemistry especially in design and synthesis of photofunctional materials using photochromic compounds such as azobenzene.
Abstract : Light-induced crawling motion of azobenzene crystals on a glass surface